These Three Signs Mean You Need Emergency Tree Removal
Any tree with a high risk of falling should be immediately removed, especially if it risks damaging something or causing serious injury. Here are three examples of situations that call for emergency tree removal:
The Tree Is Leaning Toward a Power Line
Just because a tree is leaning doesn't mean that it has to be removed; some leaning trees can be saved. However, if a tree is leaning toward a power line, then you need to err on the side of caution and have it removed as soon as possible. This is because the tree can cause serious damage if it does fall.
For example, the tree can fall on the power line and cause a short circuit. If that happens, all the houses serviced by the line may experience a power surge that may fry electronics and electrical appliances, cause an electrical fire, or trigger fatal electrical shocks. Not only that, but a downed power line will also leave your neighborhood in a blackout until the issue is fixed. In short, you shouldn't take chances with any tree that may reach a power line if it falls; have it removed as soon as possible.
The Tree Is Leaning Toward a Valuable Structure
You should also be cautious with a tree that is leaning toward a valuable structure that it can damage in case it falls unexpectedly. For example, a tree that can fall on your house, garage or fence should be removed before it causes serious damage. Emergency removal is even more important if the lean of the tree seems to be increasing with each passing hour or if a storm is in the forecast.
The Tree May Fall On Your Neighbor's Property
It is bad to have a tree accidentally fall on your property, but at least it is your property and you can repair it in your own time. However, if a tree falls on your neighbor's property (say it damages a roof or crushes a car), you have no choice but to compensate the neighbor as soon as possible. The victim can even sue you for the damages. Therefore, if a tree is leaning toward a neighbor's property and it can fall on the other side of the fence, have the tree removed as soon as possible.
As the cases above show, if a tree needs to e removed as soon as possible, it means there is a danger involved in its removal. This means the removal should be left in the hands of a professional.