Information For Those Needing To Have The Trees Cleared From Their Property
For individuals that have a large number of trees that they are needing to have removed, it can be easy to overlook the full range of options that can be used to remove the trees. In particular, using a timber company can be an excellent way of removing the trees, but you may not have the experience with these services that are needed to anticipate what to expect.
Will You Have To Pay To Have The Trees Removed From Your Property?
There are many people that will assume that the only way to have the trees on their land removed is to hire a tree service to cut them down. Unfortunately, this can prove to be very expensive for those that have multiple trees that are needing to be removed. However, it is possible to retain a timber company for this task that may actually pay you for these trees. This can allow you to have the trees removed without having to pay out of your own pocket for this work to be done.
Does The Type Of Tree On Your Property Matter?
When you are looking to sell the timber from your property, there are several key factors that will influence the price that you receive for your timber. In addition to the amount of wood that can be harvested, the type of trees will also play a major role. This is due to the reality that different types of trees will have their own unique characteristics. For example, walnut trees can provide an extremely hard wood that has a rich color and texture pattern. In contrast, pine is typically not as strong. Luckily, you can have the timber company inspect the area that you need to be cleared so it can classify the type of wood that will be harvested. This information will allow the timber company to provide you with an estimate of the value of your timber based on the current market price for that particular type of wood.
Is A Permit Require To Sell Your Timber?
Prior to selling your trees to a timber company, you should check with your local government and state to determine whether a permit is required. Many communities will have permitting requirements for selling timber as it is considered an industrial activity. Additionally, it is common for states to have reporting requirements when it concerns deforestation. These steps may seem unnecessary and inconvenient, but they can be essential for allowing the state to manage this natural resource.
For more information, contact a company like H & H Timber Company INC.