Reducing The Tick Population On Your Property
Ticks can be a common problem for those living in suburban or rural areas. While these pests can carry dangerous diseases, it is common for homeowners to fail to implement steps that are designed to limit the population of these pests on their land.
Treat The Trees And Bushes On Your Property With Tick Repellents
The tree and bushes that are growing in your yard can be a source of shelter for pests. In particular, ticks may get on the ends of the branches and wait for animals or people to walk under them. This will give them a chance to drop onto their target where they can quickly attach. Treating these areas of the yard with pesticides that are designed to neutralize ticks that are in the area and repel others from coming too close can be an effective strategy. However, these treatments will need to be applied at regular intervals to keep them effective at reducing the tick population in your yard.
Keep The Grass Throughout The Property Cut Short
Short grass can also help to lessen the population of ticks by reducing the livable space in the yard for them and depriving them of perches where they can wait for targets to brush against the blade of grass. Keeping the grass no more than a couple of inches high can require you to mow the lawn slightly more frequently than you would prefer, but it can be worth the additional effort for keeping ticks away from your property during the spring and summer months.
Use Gravel To Separate Your Home And Grassy Areas
While ticks will primarily be found outdoors, it is possible for these pests to also venture into your home's interior. Once inside, they will have a much easier time attaching to pets or family members, which can allow for the transmission of various diseases. Using gravel to create a perimeter around your home and play areas in the yard can help to keep ticks at a comfortable distance from your home's interior or the areas outside where your family spends the most time. Furthermore, the placement of the gravel can add a pleasing aesthetic to the yard. For added protection, this gravel may also be treated with tick repelling chemicals. Lastly, this gravel area should be at least a couple of feet wide to effectively discourage ticks from attempting to cross over the gravel as they will likely turn back due to a lack of protective cover.
Call a tick control professional for more advice.