
About Me
Discussing Tree Care Routines

Hi there, my name is Mel Dickons. Welcome to my website about tree care. When I moved out to the country, I was surprised to see a cluster of fruit trees on the edge of my property. I decided to support the growth of these trees with targeted care routines based on their exact needs. Through the years, the trees grew and flourished under my care, producing tons of fruit along the way. On this site, I will talk about all the different ways you can care for trees to bolster their growth. Please visit daily to learn new information about tree care. Thank you.


Learn What Needs To Happen When One Of Your Trees Is Struck By Lightning

30 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When a tree is struck by lightning, there are many people who assume that it needs to be cut down right away because there is no way to save it. That is not the case at all. There are many times when trees that are struck by lightning can be salvaged, if the right people are hired to take care of it. The following guide walks you through the process that will need to be taken to salvage a tree after it has been struck by lightning. Read More …

Three Things You Need To Know About Your Backyard Fruit Trees

28 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently purchased a property with fruit trees in the backyard, you're undoubtedly looking forward to enjoying freshly picked fruit on a regular basis. However, many modern homeowners don't possess the necessary skills to keep fruit trees thriving and producing. If you're among them, you're about to begin a rewarding journey in home horticulture practices. Following are three things you need to know to keep your newly acquired backyard fruit trees producing nutritious and delicious bounty. Read More …

Moving To A Rural Area From A City? Get Tick Control To Protect Your Children

27 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

People often move to rural areas from big cities to avoid crime and other serious dangers. However, the unexpected dangers of ticks and Lyme disease may cause a serious danger to your child. That's why it's crucial to take hardcore tick control measures right away. Ticks Cause Lyme Disease Lyme disease infection is spread almost exclusively by tick bites. When a tick bites a human, they infect their blood with any disease that was in the blood of past victims. Read More …

Three Common Dangers Of DIY Tree Removal

26 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a tree on your property that you need to be removed, be very careful before you decide to go the DIY route. This is because tree removal is inherently dangerous, especially to those without the skills and experience. Here are some of the dangers you may experience depending on your exact circumstances:  The Tree May Fall On a Power Line Any tree standing near a power line isn't a good candidate for DIY removal because it may fall on the power line. Read More …

Trim Trees Before Decorating Outside For Christmas

25 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

After Halloween, you may start getting into the Christmas spirit, especially since so many stores start showcasing merchandise such as lights, displays, stockings, and trees on the shelves. Many families will decorate their home with a Christmas tree on the inside and lights strung along the outside. But, you may want to take it a step further by decorating your entire landscape. Before you spend many hours setting everything up, you should get the yard ready. Read More …