
About Me
Discussing Tree Care Routines

Hi there, my name is Mel Dickons. Welcome to my website about tree care. When I moved out to the country, I was surprised to see a cluster of fruit trees on the edge of my property. I decided to support the growth of these trees with targeted care routines based on their exact needs. Through the years, the trees grew and flourished under my care, producing tons of fruit along the way. On this site, I will talk about all the different ways you can care for trees to bolster their growth. Please visit daily to learn new information about tree care. Thank you.


Reducing The Tick Population On Your Property

25 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Ticks can be a common problem for those living in suburban or rural areas. While these pests can carry dangerous diseases, it is common for homeowners to fail to implement steps that are designed to limit the population of these pests on their land. Treat The Trees And Bushes On Your Property With Tick Repellents The tree and bushes that are growing in your yard can be a source of shelter for pests. Read More …

Benefits Of Trimming Your Trees

13 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Planting trees in your property can improve your property's aesthetics and value. However, you need to carry out the essential tree maintenance practices to ensure the healthy growth of your trees. One important practice is pruning or trimming, which entails removing excess branches from trees. Here are the pros of tree trimming. Health When your trees have diseased parts, you need to eliminate them to avoid disease spread. Additionally, an overly dense canopy may provide a conducive environment for fungal diseases and pests to thrive. Read More …

Have Sugar Maple Trees On Your Property? 2 Tips To Keep Them Healthy

8 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Sugar maples display dazzling colors in the fall months, as well as provide beautiful foliage for the rest of the growing season. If you have sugar maples, there are many things you can do to keep your trees healthy, two of which are listed below.  Hire a Tree Trimming Service You should hire a tree trimming service for your sugar maple trees. Trimming trees is important to keep them healthy. When a tree becomes overgrown this not only makes it look bad but can cause health problems. Read More …

Health Problems Your Trees Can Experience

22 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Health problems with the trees on your property can be an issue that you will want to aggressively address. Otherwise, these problems could cause permanent damage to these plants and may even result in them needing to be cut down or heavily trimmed. Considering that it can take a tree decades to grow to its full size, these are a few complications that will need to be avoided. Overfertilization Fertilizing the soil around the base of your tree can be important for providing it with the nutrients that it needs to thrive. Read More …

4 Compelling Reasons to Seek Professional Tree Removal Services

1 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

While trees are naturally beautiful and life-giving, they all come to the end of their useful lives. Whether the tree is unhealthy, dead, severely diseased, or poorly positioned, you might need to remove the tree before it poses a danger to you, your family, your property, or your neighbors. Some homeowners may be tempted to remove the trees themselves, but it is best to hire professionals. Here are some reasons why you should hire a professional. Read More …