
About Me
Discussing Tree Care Routines

Hi there, my name is Mel Dickons. Welcome to my website about tree care. When I moved out to the country, I was surprised to see a cluster of fruit trees on the edge of my property. I decided to support the growth of these trees with targeted care routines based on their exact needs. Through the years, the trees grew and flourished under my care, producing tons of fruit along the way. On this site, I will talk about all the different ways you can care for trees to bolster their growth. Please visit daily to learn new information about tree care. Thank you.


Want Your Trees Pruned This Winter? 3 Tips To Ensure It Goes Well

25 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Getting your trees pruned can be a great way to enhance the way that your yard looks and ensure that you don't have branches snapping off unexpectedly due to them becoming heavy from growth. If you've decided to hire a professional to help with pruning your trees, there are a number of things that you can do to make sure that the service is done properly. The best time of the year to schedule this tree service is in the winter. Read More …

What To Prune In Late Winter

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Late winter, around February, can be a good time to prune trees and shrubs that are dormant. Pruning your trees late in the winter means that the wounds you create on the tree by pruning it will not be exposed long before your tree starts to grow again and seal up those wounds. When your trees are dormant, and the leaves are off of them, it can also be easier to see what and where to trim your trees. Read More …

Information For Those Needing To Have The Trees Cleared From Their Property

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

For individuals that have a large number of trees that they are needing to have removed, it can be easy to overlook the full range of options that can be used to remove the trees. In particular, using a timber company can be an excellent way of removing the trees, but you may not have the experience with these services that are needed to anticipate what to expect. Will You Have To Pay To Have The Trees Removed From Your Property? Read More …

3 Tips For Caring For A Japanese Maple

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Trees add a great deal of beauty and value to your home. Of course, proper care is essential for reaping the benefits of planting trees in your landscape design. If you are a homeowner enjoying the elegant beauty of a Japanese Maple, caring for this tree is even more important because of the intense beauty it provides. With this guide, you will learn a few simple tips to protect the look and health of the Japanese Maple tree. Read More …

3 Tips To Help Care For Your Deciduous Trees Through The Fall And Winter Months

21 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Deciduous trees are those that the leaves fall off them in winter and become dormant. Even though they seem to be lifeless in the winter months, they are still going to need care. You want to start with tree care of deciduous trees in the fall months to ensure they make it to spring. Here are some tips that will help with your deciduous tree care throughout the fall and winter months: Read More …